
EMRI 108

AmbulanceEMRI Stands for Emergency Medical and Research Institute.EMRI has set up 108 as the unified emergency number for the state of Andhra Pradesh.The word unified means, one can call this number for Medical,Pole and Fire services.Earlier there was no unified emergency number in India like 999 in the UK or 911 in the US and each of these services have their own numbers like 100,101 and 102.Now 108 is a Toll Free number accessible from both the fixed and mobile phones round the clock.

Operation Model of the 1081] Dial 108.Will be connected to a call center.I guess Satyam is providing this service
2] The Communication Officer will collect the facts and will route the nearest ambulance to the site.
3] The Ambulance is well equipped to provide the pre-hospital care while transporting the patient to the desired hospital[Private also].
Here is a photo that depicts the inside view of the ambulance

Same logic holds good for Police and Fire services.
The EMRI service is already a huge success in the state and aiming to to take one million calls per year and save one million lives by 2010.
To make the maximum use of it, please remember 108 for your Medical,Police and Fire issues/Services.
Note:Photos and Information was taken from

1 comment:

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    Moses Gomes
